
Crayola Brilliant Doodle Competition.


When we think of creating and colouring, for many of us it all starts with Crayola.

The Back to School shopping period is an important time to make sure the brand stays front of mind for parents with children aged 4-9 as they stock up for the new school year.

And the best way to show them how Crayola unlocks children’s’ creativity is to get them involved in an exciting summer holiday project.



We helped bring together Crayola and the much-loved doodle world of the Tom Gates book series, to help spark little imaginations with a creative challenge.

We created the ‘Brilliant Doodle Competition’ and tasked kids to doodle their hero for the chance to win a live workshop for their class with Tom Gates creator Liz Pichon, as well as bundles of Crayola and Tom Gates goodies. Plus, weekly spot prizes to keep up the engagement on social.

Entries were submitted via Instagram and Facebook using the #CrayolaHero (with the help of their grown-ups of course!). We also teamed up with Creation Station, (the UK's leading creative arts & crafts sessions for kids) who ran summer holiday doodle classes and doodle sessions at festivals across the country with participants submitting entries to the competition as well.

More work.





